music player
I made this music player at
PON AND ZI ROX! chocolate addict-
That Lady.

30 APRIL 1996


my other blog i guess? nuthin much though...
the elegant elaine
crystal clear
the sweet(and sick) tamara
the evil lijia
the pretty evelyn
the sexy jillian

Past Tense.
January 2008
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Designer : MINGGGG
Base Codes : Sweetsugar & wnsc
Hosting : Photo Bucket | Blogger | Blog Skins

Friday, February 22, 2008


Pufferfish and Porcuppine fish
Pufferfish and Porcuppine fish have excellent camouflaging skills. Though they cannot swim fast, when predators capture them, they swell up to many times their original size so that the predator is unable to swallow them.

The Mantis Shrimp
The Mantis Shrimp lives in deep underwater sand and if predator appears, it rears up in front of the predator to warn the predator to move away. However, if the predator still does not move off, the shrip strikes the predator right in the eye until the predator moves away. Then, it returns to its home.

False Eyes!
Some fish have false eyes on their tails so as to make them look bigger than they actually are. Furthermore, the false eyes also diverts the enemy's attention to its tail and not the its head, which is the most vulnerable part and might affect its escape. Their actual eyes are camouflaged so that other animals cannot see them.

The clownfish is another one of these amazing creatures. It hides itself in sea anemone and safe from predators as sea anemone are armed with poison. Luckily, the clownfish is immune to the poison and thus is able to live in it.

The mimic octopus
The mimic octopus, in my opinion is the most interesting creature. It has brown and white stripes on its many legs that can appear in any shape and size. Therefore, the octopus can appear to be any animal. When a predator appears, the octopus appears to be a venemous creature to scare the predator away.

These amazing sea creatures are great at camouflaging so that predators cannot find them.

blogged by the cookie monster;
8:00 PM;

Saturday, February 9, 2008

在这一天早上,我们一家人:哥哥,姐姐,妈妈,爸爸和我到婆婆的家去拜年。亲戚们也来吃顿团圆饭。我一进们,阿姨叔叔们都赶到门口欢迎我们。他们祝我新年快乐,学业进步,也给了我 好多好多的红包。我看到眼前拿着的红包,开心得眼睛里闪闪发亮。



大家都到齐的时候,我们便一起捞鱼生。阿姨叔叔们捞鱼生时都大声的喊叫:“ huat ah! huat ah!我站在最前面捞鱼生,手就当然脏得要命,鱼生都捞到我衣服上了。捞完鱼生,我们就挤在一张大桌一起吃火锅。我们吃得津津有味。

天暗了,我和表哥表妹到屋外玩烟棒。我们把找到的枯叶和纸张都放在一起,然后把那堆"黑炭 ”烧起来,开始我们小小的“营火会”。后来,家人开始玩扑克牌。我们玩到过夜了,才依依不舍的回家去了。


blogged by the cookie monster;
1:16 AM;

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The autobiography of the MIGHTY Tan Xin Yuan

I was born in 1996, 30th April. In the same year on September, I started crawling and sitting on my own. Not long after, I learnt to stand and touch things around me. "Itchy hands", my mum called it. After a month, I took my first steps and my mum had a hard time catching me when I was busy running about. My mum said that I had always crawled about when my mum wasn't noticing and I would be very proud of myself. Then, my mum would catch me and suddenly lift me from the floor. I would have been so surprise and start crying out loud till my mother put me back onto the floor.

As a baby, I had always cried even when it was a small matter. I remember celebrating my first birthday in 1997 at the Zoo. I was so excited that I wandered about without anyone seeing me. Then, I got lost and started crying. My LOUD crying attracted so much attention, which kind of caught my mother's attention too. My mother has always complained that I make so much noise that the people around me had stared at me with wierd expressions on my face. In the pictures, I was so fat and chubby and CUTE! :D

I started going to childcare in 1998 and made many friends. On the first day I went to the childcare, I was so afraid that I was alone and started crying until the helpers at the childcare gave me "fruit loops". However, I cried louder after seeing the little amount the helpers gave. They called me sly...

Soon after, I mastered the art of making my way to the toilet without wetting my pants, which was quite a feat as I had never made it in time no matter how close I was to the toilet. The first time I made it to the toilet, my parents were clapping so loudly and happily when I came out. It was probably because they didn't need to change my nappies anymore.

One of the most sad things that happened in my life was the loss of my favourite "Tutu"(the pacifier) I cried and cried for so long and my mum had nothing to do as the pacifier was gone.

In a few years, I left childcare and started kindergarden. During the grduation day, I performed as a sailor. Amazingly, I had changed from a happy cheerful girl to a sad girl who had always frowned. However, the thing that made me the happiest during my kindergarden days was winning my first prize, first in colouring contest. Although that prize was so easy to achieve, I was so happy and was grinning like mad when I skipped up the stage.

In 2003, I started primary school in Henry Park. I made many new friends there and started smiling more often. A few months later, my mother forced me to play the piano, which I really hated. Once, I was so angry that my mother had made me play the piano that I pulled the keys out. My mother gave me a HUGE scolding.

The following year, I started learning all sorts of sports such as badminton, swimming and table-tennis. My favourite sport was badminton and my dad trained me every week. All the training helped and I got into badminton school team the next year.

In 2006, I got my first scolding from my form teacher Ng Sook Fern. However, the scolding helped and I started liking her in a odd way, a liking I never had from any of the teachers that had taught me before. A year later, I mastered the art of disturbing my teachers and making them SOOOOOOO hot. Inside, that is. My teachers have always considered me as a nuisance although somehow, I feel like they enjoy it. :P

I changed my seat on 2008. :) Yay! be continued?

blogged by the cookie monster;
9:49 PM;